Thursday, March 29, 2007

Almost There

So it is less than two weeks before I am off for London. As it gets closer and closer, I get more and more nervous. Not only is it the excitement of moving to a new city (and London at that), but also that Bud and I have to spend so much time (once again) apart.

Luckily Bud has a large credit with Air Canada so that in May I will fly back for the weekend to see him (and the dogs of course). But time apart is never fun. It will undoubtedly be far easier for me. A new city to explore and new people to meet can make time fly by. I have to find a place to live, buy stuff for it and get settled.

While I am doing this, Bud will be here in Montreal with the dogs, counting days. He is not looking forward to it. But we have little choice in the matter. We have survived through a number of times apart due to our different citizenship, but they are never simple. Part of it stems from the fact that I hate talking on the phone – but when that is all we will have, its got to be done.

Thankfully we don’t have any birthdays, anniversaries or other momentous occasions that we will be separated. And I am positive that our friends here will keep him occupied. But for all the joy of going to England, the tinge of sadness due to our separation colours the excitement.

But at least I know that I truly love him. When I was apart from my last bf I had before Bud when I went on an exchange to Sydney, I was quite happy to get away. I knew then that the relationship had some problems. But with Bud it is so different. Any long-time reader of this blog will be aware of the number of problems that we have had. But it has been that solid rock of the state of matrimony that has gotten us through the hard times. Without it, it could have been so easy to walk away when times were tough. But instead, it focused me more on the long term.

And of course, still being madly in love with him doesn’t hurt.


Blogger MadeInScotland said...

how long do you have to wait before he can join you? I just assumed he would be coming over, and the puppies would have their quarantine. London is full of Aussies and Kiwis-especially in law firms (I know you are the solicitor)! Canadians and Americans are less conspicuous.

4:49 p.m.  
Blogger Tales of the City said...

Thats a sweer and heartfelt blog. Good luck with the move over. Do you have friends in London? People you know?

6:12 a.m.  
Blogger Rye said...

Luckily there is a way to avoid quarantine in the UK - but it involves a 6 month waiting period from the date of a blood test that won't arrive until June - and that's why Bud needs to wait.

One of my former roommates from when I lived in Sydney now lives in London and a few other people I know are there - but generally, this move will be all about meeting some new people. Daunting but exciting too

11:21 a.m.  
Blogger MadeInScotland said...

ah! well, knowing that it's just sitting out time, rather than indefinite, makes it slightly easier. Each day that passes is a day closer

1:51 a.m.  

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