Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Meeting

After a great Valentine’s Day, I thought a lot about when Bud and I met. And after I read Gay Empire's story today I realized that I had never put the story down in print, a deficiency I will now correct.

It was three and half years ago, but it seems like yesterday. I had gone on an exchange in my last semester of law school to Sydney. Let’s just say that it was more of a holiday than an academic excursion. I had been to Sydney before in 1999 on a working traveler’s visa and had a great time.

Before I left, my bf at the time and I had decided that we would be free to have a little fun while I was away. Of course this was on the understanding that it would only be physical rather than emotional and I was completely fine with that.

The first couple of months passed by with me really enjoying Aussie hospitality. I had worked very hard on my body before I left and I certainly made use of it. I was also preparing to swim in the Gay Games that were to be held in Sydney that November, so I purchased a pass to a local pool called the Cook & Phillip (or the Cock & Pull-it to Sydneysiders reflecting the large number of gay men there). I was swimming along in a workout in the late morning of September 11th when I stopped at one end of the pool.

I glanced up to see the back of this gorgeous man walking away from me to the sun deck outside. From my lane I could see through the windows to the sun deck and I gazed rapt in his presence as he settled into a deck chair. I immediately thought that my workout could wait; I wanted to get a closer look. I made my way to the deck and took a chaisse-lounge near him. Gazing over his beautifully muscular body in black speedos, I was mesmerized. Everything about him physically was my ideal.

But, I snapped myself back into consciousness and said, “No, you have to train!” So back to the pool I went.

Well, that didn’t last long and in a few short minutes I was back out there stealing another look. But I had a massage appointment scheduled that morning, and I wasn’t interested in picking up at the pool. I just thought, well, if its meant to be, I’ll run into him again. So off to the showers I went. Briefly afterwards, there he appeared. But my resolve remained. I got out of the shower and changed.

As I was doing my hair I saw him come out of the showers where we exchanged a smile. Walking out of the pool I was beginning to regret my decision, but that’s just the way it was going to be, I told myself. Suddenly I felt this tap on my shoulders and the simple word “Hi.” I couldn’t believe that he had somehow gotten changed so quickly (I found out later that he had thrown his clothes on and left his bag, underwear and socks in the changeroom. We had a great little conversation, but I told him that I had an appointment to get to, but that we could meet up later.

My massage was hardly a relaxing one as I was thinking about Bud the entire time and I sprinted to his apartment immediately afterwards. We had a great time that afternoon that continued throughout the night and into the next morning. And even at that moment, I knew that he was bad news. I had fallen for him instantaneously over the course of that evening. But I was with someone else in Canada. I had given him my number but decided that I couldn’t call him. “Bad News, Bad News, Bad News” was my mantra.

And it was a correct one. When he called me the next day all resolve disintegrated and from that moment on I have remained completely enraptured for him. I, and we, have our problems. We are human after all. But every morning that I look over at him, I fall in love again. Still the sexiest man I have ever seen with the biggest heart I have ever felt. I can barely believe that I am worthy of such a man.

But worthy or not, he’s a keeper.


Blogger jjd said...

to the keepers!

i can't believe all my old comments to you you never read and are lost.. I feel so.. (vain) irritated you never got my gems of wisdom ;-)

happy belated VD to u and bud.

1:19 p.m.  
Blogger Rye said...

Google is probably storing them to use against us at a later date.

Or to sell to the Chinese

1:47 p.m.  
Blogger tornwordo said...

That sounds so thrilling, and so great that you're still pinching yourself.

8:07 a.m.  

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