Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Golden Boy

Like many other fags I await today with eager anticipation. No it is not take-yourself-naked-to-work day, porn star convention or even Madonna-tries-to-win-us-back release party. Today is Oscar nomination day.

Every since I was a kid I have been in love with the Oscars. Of course when I was much younger I harboured much more romantic feelings towards them and considered the awards themselves to be truly reflective of the recipient’s worth. But even in my more cynical moments (Bud is still furious over the Gwyneth beating Cate Blanchett debacle a few years ago), I still enjoy this contest.

This year I am cautiously hopeful as I found Brokeback Mountain to be a remarkable achievement in film. My first degree before I became a lawyer was in film and so, of course egotistically, I think my taste is valid. And I would truly love to see a gay love story win and reap the financial benefits after. Nothing assists acceptance like recognition.

But the Oscars are also a pleasure at seeing the newcomer overwhelmed by the excitement. For me this is Amy Adams as a supporting actress in Junebug. Haven’t seen it or even heard of it, but I remember her from Psycho Beach Party which I LOVED. And of course the main event is always a good excuse to get drunk while watching television.


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