Friday, December 09, 2005


For a long time now I have been a big fan of Things I can’t tell Boyfriend 1 for his dry wit and great storytelling abilities. Recently he made a post about the endless battle between monogamy and the desire to do everything possible.

I have battled this demon and wanted to put my two cents in. A number of years ago I fell head over heels in love with this guy who was ten years older than me. I was enraptured by him in what was my first true love. He however, had been in many relationships and was quite clear about not wanting to be exclusive.

And I accepted that. I didn’t want to share, but I didn’t want to lose him over it, so I took it. As the relationship progressed, I didn’t have as much a problem with it. I was able to enjoy a single’s sex life while having the security of the boyfriend. It was blissful.

I met Bud, the hubbie, while in this relationship, and it was the permissiveness that enabled it. I had the opportunity because of the open relationship to explore something that became very emotional. Why the rules were to only have the physical, the emotional was a risk involved.

And with Bud, I didn’t want to go down that road again. And so we have been monogamous. Or I should say that I have been. If anything that “Things I can’t tell Boyfriend 1” has reminded me, there is no way to know what your partner is up to. But it has been through this decision to be exclusive that I have discovered that there are lots of joys involved in being exclusive. I miss the hunt, but I have discovered that this is not the most important element.

Just my thoughts.

As a substitute, I have pics instead of bodies. :)


Blogger jjd said...

Interesting take and evolution.

Do you think you love(d) them both equally and did the 1st guy's open relationship bother you in any way? It almost seems (presumptious of me, yes) that you didn't love the 1st guy enough to mind he was sleeping around with other guys but that wouldn't be true with Bud. Is that an unfair characterization?

4:20 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings from Denmark. But please explain - is this a kind of fancy porn or just plain gay porn?
And why this need to expose boys? I never meet a woman going puplic like this - unless we talk porn.....

4:27 p.m.  
Blogger GB said...

Very interesting. This debate just goes on and on, I've just written another posting about monogamy in response jjd's motto Monogamy: It's your seatbelt through life.

At least the pics of bodies you have are very nice pics :-)

2:43 a.m.  

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