Monday, December 05, 2005


The past weekend really brought in the winter cold – it was around -20 C with the wind-chill on Saturday – nearly froze my balls off walking the dog.

Not too eventful of a weekend, but I am really anticipating my trip back to my home town for the Christmas holidays – am in desperate need of a break.

I ran into an old club friend of mine on the weekend. You know the type. Someone that you only really see when you are out, always say hello and a little chit chat, but never get together outside of a fucked up night at a bar. He was surprised that I was actually in Montreal. I have been back here for over a year, but have kept a pretty low profile.

Its strange this transition that I seem to be undergoing. I was one of those guys who would be out every weekend until early the next morning – crazy all the time. But for the past year, I haven’t felt much like it anymore. I get up at the hour that I used to get home, and the thought of an all nighter just hasn’t appealed much to me.

And Montreal does have many opportunities to have a wild time. Except that here there is a tendancy in any club that is open past three, the music is a bit techno for my taste. I find myseld yearning for at least one lyric after three hours of the same bass beat booming over and over again. I guess I like my handbag music to dance to (as in music where girls put their purses in the center of a circle and dance around them).

And also I just haven’t been all that into the scene lately. I have no doubt that a large part of it stems from the fact that I am not going out to pick up. Another element is the language thing here. I am pretty good in French but I am still pretty shy about it and have a terrible time with jokes.

Will this just be a phase where I go crazy again in a little while or has this been a complete turning point in my life. Don’t know but I guess I will find out soon enough.


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