Friday, November 25, 2005

Snow and Survivor

Well the official winter season finally happened here in Montreal yesterday. While we have had a couple instances of snow over the past two weeks, none of them stayed on the ground, but that all changed with an immense snow storm that blanketed the city.

Now I have never been one of the biggest fans of winter. I grew up on the Canadian prairies where winter would begin so early that all kids were Eskimos for Hallowe’en and snow even fell in May. But I must admit that if it is going to be cold, I’d rather that the city be covered in a gorgeous sheet of white rather than the dead grey that had overtaken the city after all the leaves had gone.

Had a crazy day at work where I couldn’t concentrate on anything, and then I rushed home at 6. I know that I am in a nutty profession when leaving at 6 is early.

Watched Survivor last night as well. Now I have been a huge fan of the show since its inception and I don’t miss an episode, but it has lost a lot of luster for me. They really need to change it up as bit. Predictable as always, they tried to make it look like one person was to go when the obvious pick left. Bud suggested that they start off with everyone living together, draw teams for every challenge and go to council based on the drawn teams. That way you never know who you might be going there with and the entire alliance thing dies out.

Got my ass out of bed this morning at 5:30 and Bud didn’t move. He’s not working now as he has to be approved to work as a nurse in this province – the bureaucracy is driving us nuts. and Bud refuses to do any work other than his profession in the meantime. So I left him and the puppy in bed and went to the gym. Its getting frustrating when I work all the time, and he sleeps. But I knew he was a lazy fucker when I fell in love with him - my fault for loving him I guess :)

I live in the gay village here in Montreal and go to a very gay gym there. But in the morning it is a bit different. Professionals and other workers and not a ton of cruising going on. I was fascinating by this one guy though, beautifully sculpted Italian god. But even the eye candy couldn’t get me through this leg workout today. And I bailed.

And now its off to work.


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